Second sudden death during holidays in Lethbridge under investigation

Home News Second sudden death during holidays in Lethbridge under investigation

Lethbridge police say a body found in a motel room on Saturday is being treated as suspicious, the second sudden death in three days.

Officers say they were on the scene of a Superlodge along the 2200 block of 7 Avenue South.

However, no additional details about the death have been shared at this time.

Police are also calling it a “sudden death,” making it the second one reported in Lethbridge since Christmas Day.

The first one happened on Boxing Day, with officers saying the body of a 13-year-old boy was found outside of a business on Mayor Magrath Drive South at around 2 p.m.

It’s not clear if the boy’s death is being treated as suspicious, but an investigation in underway.

An autopsy will take place in Calgary next week.